ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act (No Child Left Behind
PL 107-110) Programs:
Title I-A (Improving Academic Performance of the Disadvantaged)
School-wide reform in high-poverty schools
School improvement plans
Professional development and technical assistance based on scientifically based instructional strategies
Creation of challenging state standards requiring ALL students are taught by "highly qualified" teachers and paraprofessionals and imposes strict consequences in an escalating pattern for schools who do not reach AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress).
Title II-A (Teacher and Principal Quality)
Increase student achievement by elevating teacher and principal
quality through recruitment, hiring and retention strategies with emphasis on:
- Professional development of staff especially in the areas of analysis of data, assessment, & instructional strategies in math & reading.
Right to Know
You have the right to know about teaching qualifications of your child's classroom teacher in a school receiving Title 1 funds. The federal "No Child Left Behind" (NCLB) Act requires that any local school district receiving Title 1 funds must notify parents that they may ask about the professional qualifications of their child's classroom teacher.
qualifications include:
- Whether the
teacher has met the Ohio teacher licensing criteria for the grade level
and subject areas in which the teacher provides your child instruction.
- Whether the
teacher is teaching under emergency or temporary status that waives state
licensing requirements.
- The
undergraduate degree major of the teacher and any other graduate degree or
certification (such as National Board Certification) held by the teacher
and the field of discipline of certification or degree.
- Whether your
child is provided services by instructional paraprofessionals and, if so,
their qualifications.
We are pleased to report that 100% of teachers in the Rossford EVSD are considered “highly qualified” by the Ohio Department of Education.
District administrators invite comments from the public regarding the services listed below:
Title I, Helping Disadvantaged Children Meet High Standards monies provide supplemental instruction in reading, language arts and mathematics to students at Rossford Elementary School and Rossford Junior-Senior High School. Funds support staff for services, such as academic intervention, and are also used for instructional supplies.
Title II A, Teacher and
Principal Quality, provides monies to “increase student achievement by elevating teacher and principal quality through recruitment, hiring and retention strategies.”
All federally funded programs provide for
participation of non-public schools.
If you have ideas about how we can improve parent participation
or allocate Title I funds reserved for parent involvement activities, please
email them to [email protected]. Are you
interested in attending a meeting to discuss the Title I Program and how we can
better serve families? Please let us know.
Rossford Exempted Village School District holds an annual Federal Programs
public meeting and invites all interested community members to attend and
provide input about how federal programs money received is allocated. Public
notice of the meeting will be provided.